SST Inter-House Free Library Bookshelf Design Competition

SST Inter-House
Free Library Bookshelf Design Competition

Contact your House Captains to register now!

Little Free Library is a worldwide movement to offer free books housed in small containers to members of the local community. They are often attractively decorated to attract attention. The idea is for book lovers to place a book or two on the shelf left in a common place, and members of the community and in this case, the SST community, can browse, take one, and return at another time with a replacement.

This competition encourages students to be involved in the design of our first Little Free Library bookshelf and to raise awareness of such a book exchange facility.

Students in teams of 2-5 from the same House are to come up with their own themes and designs that will
  • attract potential readers to the free library and
  • encourage reading and exchange of books

The Winning Design will be given up to $100 to decorate the bookshelf.

Location & Dimensions of Bookshelf
The Little Free Library bookshelf will be placed in the area outside the ICT Helpdesk.

Dimensions of the bookshelf are:

Judging Criteria
How your Design Creativity and Colour Scheme best relate to your Theme.

Your submission must include:
  • House
  • Names and classes of members
  • Theme
  • Design write-up
  • Design sketch-up
Please submit your designs to

Registration of House Teams             :  11 March 2016
Briefing Time and Venue          :  11 March 2016 (Friday) 1 p.m Outside Staff Room
Deadline for Initial Design Submission    :   22 March 2016 (Tuesday)
Results and Feedback of Initial Design   :   24 March 2016 (Thursday)
Completion of selected Design                :   1 April 2016 (Friday)

Ms Rachel Oh: T: (65) 6571 7438
Mrs Audrey Sim: T: (65) 6571 7438

Free Library Project: An SST InfoHub Initiative